Uasin Gishu County Government
The Uasin Gishu County Public Service Board wishes to invite applications from qualified, result oriented and self-motivated individuals to fill the position of City Manager.
Job Purpose
- To provide leadership, guidance and direction in all matters pertaining to management of Eldoret City in order to ensure effective and efficient delivery of services to Uasin Gishu residents.
- UGC/CPSB/MO/01/23: City Manager JG, ‘R’ One (1) Position
- Basic Salary Scale: Ksh. 127,340 – 182,890.00 (CPSB 03)
- House Allowance: Ksh. 35,000.00 p.mCommuter Allowance: KShs.16, 000.00 p.m.
- Other Allowances as Per the SRC Circulars
- Terms of Service: Five (5) Years Contract
Duties and Responsibilities
- To oversee the affairs of Eldoret City with the guidance of the City Management Board;
- To advise the County Secretary and the Governor on all matters pertaining to the city;
- To integrate, implement and oversee national and county policies, goals and objectives of city programs;
- To develop and update the city’s strategies in line with the overall vision and mission of the city;
- To provide overall coordination and provision of strategic leadership and guidance to ensure the city achieves its mandate through efficient and effective systems and work ethics;
- To plan, direct, organize, control, manage and monitor the internal and external operations of the city;
- To liaise with and maintain collaboration with the county, relevant government organizations and other stakeholders;
- To provide guidance in mobilizing resources for development programs, disaster management and emergency response activities;
- To oversee the maintenance of data base and inventory records and safe custody of all chattels, deeds, records and other documents belonging to the city;
- To lead and guide staff through day-to-day duties to ensure such duties support the city’s overarching goals.
Financial Responsibility
- The Authority to Incur Expenditure (A.I.E) holder for the City of Eldoret
- Provide guidance in the preparation of the city’s annual and quarterly budgets and ensure that the expenditure of the city remains within the budget lines.
Responsibility for Physical Assets and Liabilities
- Responsible for the procurement, maintenance and management of the city’s total assets and liabilities register.
Nature of Decision Making (Strategic, Financial, Operational)
- Setting and implementing the strategic directions of the city;
- Providing the financial direction in the city’s operations by providing expenditure within the approved budget;
- Prioritizing the planning of departmental budgetary allocations/activities;
- Setting strategic designs to achieve the city’s planned priorities;
- Establishing monitoring and evaluations tools to be used by department;
- Approving periodic financial report for the department; and
- Ensuring that quality assurance standards are attained and maintained.
Qualifications, Knowledge and Skills
A person shall qualify to be appointed as city manager if the person—
- is a citizen of Kenya;
- holds a degree from a university recognized in Kenya or its equivalent;
- has proven experience of not less than Ten years in administration or management either in the public or private sector
- has basic understanding of budgeting and financial management;
- familiar with relevant legislative laws governing the city; and
- meets the Constitutional requirement as stipulated in Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010
To apply for this job please visit jobs.uasingishu.go.ke.